Frank d.

Skóre Bezkempu: 81

Hodnocení od majitelů:

Počet navštívených pozemků: 5
Počet půjčených vozů: 0

17.7 - 18.7.2024 Ladislav říká:

Perfektní komunikace, navigace a vybavení. Bezproblémový host
15.7 - 16.7.2024 Bára

Ranč pod Krušnými horami
19.7 - 20.7.2024 Frank říká:
Beautiful ranch, with a proper toilet and a real shower. The fire pit is also great, with more than enough wood and a hand axe to make smaller pieces. The owners are super friendly and it's quiet at night.
Müllerův statek
18.7 - 19.7.2024 Frank říká:
I'm surprised this doesn't have a higher rating! There's a good size pool, loads of level space to put your tent/camper. There's clean and real toilets and hot showers. It's quiet at night, what more can you wish for?
Vyhlídka na skalce
17.7 - 18.7.2024 Frank říká:
Absolutely amazing view, you feel far away from everyone else. The outhouse is a great addition, although the last people before us didn't clean up after themselves. The camping spots are on a pretty hefty slope, but doable.
Luční bar
16.7 - 17.7.2024 Frank říká:
Beautiful quiet place to camp, with great views and amenities. Clean toilet and shower. Very friendly owner! The self service bar is amazing, local beers and soda for a very reasonable price. There were about 10 people there when we arrived, and we thought it might be noisy, but they were super friendly and quiet and left when the bar closed at 21:00.
Nocoviště u tří srnek
15.7 - 16.7.2024 Frank říká:
Super friendly and nice owners, the property is absolutely huge and the only thing you hear at night is the crickets. There's a creek with cooled beers. It's a 5 minute walk from the campsite to the restaurants in the village and the entrance to the rock formations. Beware that there's no running water and no real shops in the village, so be sure to bring some bottled water on your way there.
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